Bitter beers
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- Description: A pleasant mahogany coloured best bitter, malt predominating, gives a satisfying fullness of flavour. A glass or two of "Nessie’s Monster Mash" is a must before seeking an audience with the monster. The legendary monster is a source of constant speculation and rumour as he watches from his lair deep in the dark and mysterious depths of majestic Loch Ness.
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- Description: Russet-brown best bitter with a malty fruit aroma and a good balance of dryness.
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- Description: Filtered bottle and can.
Solid gold colour with a firm, smooth body. Has a dry, delicate hop finish.
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- Description: Originally brewed as a special in 1999 under the name Celebration to mark the 150th anniversary of the founding of the brewery. Retired 2003. Relaunched in 2005 as 1849. Won a Gold Award at the 2005 Brewing Industry Internal Awards, after which "Champion Ale" was added to the label.
"A dark, rich and hoppy ale, brewed using only the most traditional methods."
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- Description: Cask & Bottled; Regular. Previously 3.6% Hand-crafted and blonde in colour, Bonnie and Bitter is brewed using Maris Otter and Crystal malts with a blend of whole-hop flowers to produce and easy drinking beer with a citrus taste and a full-rounded bitterness. Hops: Challenger and Chinook.
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- Description: A true Indian Pale Ale with an amber lager colour and an ability to drink so easily. Has a wee hoppy & bitter bite but smoothed out with caramel and malt on the finish. Lovely all on its own or with supper.
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- Description: You may want to call this our 80 Shilling but with a bit more hops. A reddish brown tone with a complex malty taste, coming from the blending of both colored malts and wheat malt, resulting in a refreshing, grassy and fruity ale with a hoppy finish.
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- Description: Spitfire Gold is a well-balanced Golden Ale. Its sweet malt base is complemented by subtle bitterness and tropical aromas, imparted by some of the World’s favourite hops, including Challenger, Centennial and Saaz.
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- Description: Cask & Bottle filtered; Regular.
A rich, red ale with subtle malt undertones and a distinctive spicy hop aroma from Styrian Goldings. Brewed with skill and patience in one of Britain’s finest small breweries.
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- Description: Coyet Ale jatkaa Suomenlinnassa harjoitettua pintahiivaoluiden traditiota. Tämä 4,5 % alk.vol. täysmallasolut (pilsner-, ale- ja karamellimallas) on vahvasti humaloitu. Sen tunnistaa kuparinpunaisesta väristä ja kermaisesta vaahdostaan. Oluessa maistaa rehevän maltaisuuden lisäksi vahvan humalan aromin Coyet Ale on saanut nimensä kuulun soturin Henrik Gideon Coyetin mukaan (1725-1774). Hän vietti elämänsä viimeiset vuodet Suomenlinnan linnoitustyömaalla ja linnoituksen päällikkö
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- Description: Traditional Scottish 80/- ruby red beer brewed to produce a full bodied rich malty flavour and has a lightly hopped aftertaste. Named after the highest mountain in Scotland. Delightfully light and refreshing.
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- Description: A classic Red Ale; brewed with large amounts of crystal malts,which give the beer a warm, red colour. Lots of late whole hops- Cascade and Bobek-add a lovely citrusy, hoppy aroma. Ingredients: Water, Malted Barley, Malted Wheat,Hops, Yeast. Contains Gluten
This is a collection of beers that I've personally tasted.
We've now 665 different beers.
The pictures were taken by myself but descriptions and other details were got from