Beers beggining with R
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- Description: Also known as Brick By Brick Bosun’s Moustache.
Tai alus, kuris sakantiems „man visas alus per kartus“ tur?t? duoti suprasti, k? iš tikro reiškia kartus alus. Tai IPA (angl. India pale ale), šis alaus stilius yra b?tent apie apynius ir kartum?. Verdant š? al?, dideliais kiekiais ? katil? krito apyniai, kurie suteik? ne tik kartumo, bet vaisišk? skon? ir aromat? – tai, kas b?dinga b?tent šiems amerikietiškiems apyniams. Kad b?tume tikri, kad apyni? nepritr?ks, j? dedame ir b
- Web:
- Description: Also known as Brick By Brick Unknown Shore
Virdami š? al? naudojome belgišk? Cara Aroma, Munic II, Cara Munich, Pilsner salyklus. Al? brandinome su kiek paskrudintomis pranc?ziško ?žuolo drožlemis, suteikian?iomis savit? skon?. Paslapting? ir neatrast? tarsi nežinomas krantas.
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- Description: First brewed in 1938.
It is a light alcohol drink with not too strong bitterness but rather soft taste; therefore, it’s easy to drink it up.
Brewed for the UK market by Charles Wells since 1976.
Brewed for US market at City Brewery’s Latrobe plant since 2012.
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- Description: No description available
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- Description: This bottle conditioned, hopped English IPA is intensely floral, with wine-like tannin and hop resins to the fore.
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- Description: The top product from the Rochefort Trappist brewery. Dark color, full and very impressive taste. Strong plum, raisin, and black currant palate, with ascending notes of vinousness and other complexities.
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- Description: A blend of 75% young beer fermented in steel tanks and 25% old beer aged 2 year in large oak casks. Rodenbach bears the proud title of "the most refreshing beer in the world".
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- Description: TASTING NOTES: An approachable and aromatic session IPA.
12 INGREDIENTS: Rogue Farms Dare™, Risk™, Dare™ R-1, Dare™ R-3, Maier Munich & Dextra Pils Malts; Rogue Farms Rebel, Freedom, Yaquina & Alluvial Hops; Pacman Yeast & Free-Range Coastal Water.
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- Description: Cervesa afruitada, suau, de color mel i amb escuma cremosa. L’alta fermentacio sobre posit refermentat en ampolla li dona un fina amargor. De nom i sabor molt elegant, mlt de Tarragona. Composicio: aigua, malt d’ordi, blat, sucre, xarop natural, llupols pell de taronja, coriandre i llevats. Cervesa aftrutada, suave, de color miel y con espuma cremona. La alta fermentacion sobre poso refermentado en botella le proporciona una fina amargura. De nombre y sabor muy elegante, muy de Tarragona. Co
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- Description: Traditional beer from Tarragona (Spain).
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- Description: The non-alcoholic Tannezäpfle is brewed out of an authentic Rothaus full beer, which we specifically brew for the Rothaus Non-alcoholic Tannenzäpfle. To retain the typical and well-balanced Rothaus Pils characteristics during the dealcoholization process, this beer is brewed with a higher original gravity (14.5 %) and lower IBU’s (25). Just like our popular Rothaus Pils, our Non-alcoholic Tannenzäpfle is characterized by a robust and elegant flavor. Naturally, our Non-alcoholic Tannenzäpfl
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- Description: Rosalaborna har länge vetat, att havet är som livet. Fyllt med stormar och soliga dagar. Att segla op lugnma hav må vara skönt, men gör ingen till skeppare.
Må stormarna firas, precis som lugnet. För vad skulle stunderna vara utran dem.
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- Description: IPA with Pink Grapefruit. Blast of an American Hops!
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- Description: Reilulla kädellä aromihumaloitu sessio-IPA, jossa humalina Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial, Citra ja Simcoe. Virkistävä ja kulauteltava.
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- Description: Koodari sulkee häiriötekijät ulkopuolelle isoilla kuulokkeilla. Niiden sisällä kommunikoidaan kirjallisesti ja suu avataan vain ravinnontarpeen yllättäessä. Kauniilla käsialallaan Koodari minimoi työmääränsä, jolloin jää enemmän aikaa perehtyä syvällisesti amerikkalaishumalien erityispiirteisiin.
Amerikkalaishumaloitu kesälager
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- Description: Black Smoked Saison
Musta Lomittaja on jalostettu versio kes?ll? keitt?m?st?mme panimon sadannesta juhlakeitosta, joka kulki nimell? Betaversio Musta Savu-saison #100. Alkuper?inen resepti syntyi siis jo viime hein?kuussa, kun telkesimme pienpanija J. Louhin panimolle ja k?skimme keitt?m??n juhlaolutta k?ytt?m?ll? vain ja ainoastaan panimolta valmiiksi l?ytyvi? raaka-aineita. Tuloksena syntyi siis musta, Bambergin herkullisilla savumaltailla ryyditetty saison, jota ei BJCP:n tyylikirjastosta
This is a collection of beers that I've personally tasted.
We've now 665 different beers.
The pictures were taken by myself but descriptions and other details were got from