Beers beggining with H
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- Description: The Brotherhood have been guardians of the ancient Gaelic recipe for "leann fraoich" (heather ale) since 1988 and are proud to be the only brewery still producing this unique style of beer and distributing it world wide. A light amber ale with floral peaty aroma, full malt character, and a spicy herbal finish - This beer allows you to literally pour 4000 years of Scottish history into a glass.
- Web:
- Description: 100% Barley malt, choice hops and pure water give this brew unsurpassed clarity.
- Web:
- Description: Humulus Lupus on oikeamielisen humaloinnin ja one man wolfpack -elämäntyylin epäpyhä liitto. Ameriikan humalakoriin kallellaan oleva olut, jossa on törkeästi käytetty hyväksi lukemattomia humalakasveja. Maistuu, tuoksuu ja tuntuu. Auuu-uu "Olut, joka ruumiillistaa one-wolf-hop-back-elämäntavan." -Hiisi-Tatu
- Web:
- Description: 1906, Reserva Especial, culmina una tradicion cervecera iniciada en el ano 1906 con una cerveza ideal para los que prefieren un sabor y caracter mas acentuado, su elaboracion se realiza a partir de maltas tostadas y lupulos aromaticos equilibrandose tras una guara prolongada hasta alcanzar su especial color, aroma y sabor.
- Web:
- Description: Hace años la familia Rivera elaboraba en Galicia la cerveza Especial Extra, más conocida como La Colorada. 1906 recupera ese sabor legendario en la nueva 1906 Red Vintage.
Cerveza intensa y equilibrada, se caracteriza por su aroma a malta tostada y espuma cremosa y compacta con burbuja fina. Posee un marcado amargo final que balancea su alto contenido alcohólico (8,0% alc.) que hace que el conjunto sea agradable de beber en cualquier momento.
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- Description: Deluxe lager, low fermentation, golden colour and a 5% of alcohol.
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- Description: Unfiltered Belgian White, flavored with coriander and orange peel, creating a sweet & sour taste.
- Web:
- Description: The origin of München Münchener Kindl Hefe Weizen dates back to 1589 and since then the Weise" has a distinctive place in the history of Hofbräu München, München Münchener Kindl Hefe Weizen is characterized by its sparkling, by its rich foam, and naturally by its unforgettable refreshing taste.
- Web:
- Description: This genuine German lager beer offers true flavour, distinctive but smooth with an outstanding fresh taste and moderate 5% ABV alcohol content. Holsten Premium is created in accordance with the German Purity Law of 1516 in a masterful slow brewing process.
- Web:
- Description: Originally brewed as a special in 1999 under the name Celebration to mark the 150th anniversary of the founding of the brewery. Retired 2003. Relaunched in 2005 as 1849. Won a Gold Award at the 2005 Brewing Industry Internal Awards, after which "Champion Ale" was added to the label.
"A dark, rich and hoppy ale, brewed using only the most traditional methods."
- Web:
- Description: Hopping Brewsters Flirty Fiona
Kesäinen olut, jonka kukkaisen kevyt humala ja miellyttävä maltaisuus viekoittelevat raikkaudellaan. Tantalizing hint of sourness with delicate British maltiness and light floral finish. Magnum, Celeia.
- Web:
- Description: Danish: Hornbeer Imperial IPA er en lidt kraftigere sag, end almindelige IPA. Der er brugt lidt mere af det hele. Oprindelig var IPA'erne beregnet for de engelske søfolk, der skulle rejse den lange vej til Indien. Det er 200 år siden. For at øllet skulle holde sig friskt, blev det brygget med høj alkoholprocent og med høj bitterhed fra humlen. Vi er så gået en tand videre. Har brugt lidt mere malt, lidt mere humle. Prøv Hornbeer Imperial IPA til ristet rugbrød med gorgonzola eller
This is a collection of beers that I've personally tasted.
We've now 665 different beers.
The pictures were taken by myself but descriptions and other details were got from