IPA beers
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- Web: www.7fjellbryggeri.com/
- Description: Fløien IPA er en India Pale Ale av amerikansk type. Det er et kraftig aromatisk øl med en rik humleduft av sitrus, tropiske frukter og gran, balansert av et markert maltpreg. Navnet stammer fra et av de syv fjellene som omkranser Vestlandets hovedstad. Ølet er upasteurisert og ufiltrert, og bør serveres ved 7-9 grader i egnet glass
- Web:
- Description: The second beer in the Hiisi and 8-Bit seasonal bad guy collaboration series. Single hop IPA out of the new variety Idaho #7, which was grown less than a mile from out brewmaster's boyhood home in Oregon.
- Web: www.brooklynbrewery.com/
- Description: Defend Beer with Brooklyn Defender IPA, our heroically hopped golden IPA featuring strong notes of tropical fruit, well-muscled hop bitterness, and an incredibly dry finish. Cape not required. Brooklyn Defender IPA is proud to be the official beer of New York Comic Con.
Editor's note: this is now a year-round release with the typical changes from batch to batch and will no longer be split year-to-year.
- Web: www.deuxbarbus.com/
- Description: [beer and style validated to me by the brewer itself] Au XIXe siècle, les brasseurs anglais ont créé une bière fortement houblonnée qui résisterait à un long voyage dans les cales d’un navire et ferait le bonheur des troupes coloniales britanniques basées aux Indes ; ils l’appelèrent India Pale Ale. On a voulu concevoir une IPA résolument aromatique avec un nez marqué par les agrumes, les fruits exotiques et une amertume agréable. Une bière qui a son petit caractère et que vous
- Web: omapanimo.fi
- Description: Tämä Indian Pale Ale on nimensä mukainen: maku tulee viipyillen, mutta odotettuna. Kun maistoin, humalan aromit saapuivat asemalle ja asiat asettuivat raiteilleen. Olen perillä! Olutmatkani päätepysäkillä.
- Web: www.fullers.co.uk/
- Description: Export only. Pasteurised bottles and kegs.
An all malt brew with Goldings hops.
Formerly 4.8% ABV.
- Web:
- Description: Not available.
- Web: www.kolkbeer.ee
- Description: Väike Wiik on kergelt joodav, värskendav ning keskmisest humalasem ameerika tüüpi pale ale. See on humalakeskne õlu, linnased jäävad maitses ja aroomis pigem tahaplaanile. Aroomis domineerivad troopilised, puuviljased ja tsitruselised noodid. Tunda on passiooni ja metsmaasikat. Õlu on keskmise kehaga, kergelt happeline ja tugeva humalamõru taustaga.
- Web: www.lagunitas.com
- Description: This is our unique version of an ancient style. A style as old as the ocean trade routes of the last centuries Great Ships. Not as old as the equator they had to cross twice enroute, nor as old as the 10,000 or so miles of Di-Hydrogen Oxide and Sodium upon which they sailed, but older than the Circulithium-4 Lentloid that binds the Lupulin Quartnate onto your taste buds. Weird. Think about it. Now stop. OK, go again, now stop. Think again, and stop. But we digress. Made with 43 different hops an
- Web: www.littlecreatures.com.au/
- Description: For the past decade we have poured much of our passion into brewing the best Pale Ale possible and we now feel the time is right to give you a little more…
Sitting alongside our Pale Ale, the IPA will deliver the big, rugged hop flavours and the citrusy nose that you would expect. However you’ll also detect aniseed and savoury notes, balanced out with a long firm bitterness to finish.
- Web: www.mikkeller.dk/
- Description: We¡¯re proud to present the worlds first gluten free beer! A super hopped up American Pale Ale, designed, not just for the gluten sensitive, but for all beer fans alike.
I Wish is a fresh, tasty and risk-free experience.
In your face, gluten!
- Web: www.raudonuplytu.lt
- Description: Also known as Brick By Brick Bosun’s Moustache.
Tai alus, kuris sakantiems „man visas alus per kartus“ tur?t? duoti suprasti, k? iš tikro reiškia kartus alus. Tai IPA (angl. India pale ale), šis alaus stilius yra b?tent apie apynius ir kartum?. Verdant š? al?, dideliais kiekiais ? katil? krito apyniai, kurie suteik? ne tik kartumo, bet vaisišk? skon? ir aromat? – tai, kas b?dinga b?tent šiems amerikietiškiems apyniams. Kad b?tume tikri, kad apyni? nepritr?ks, j? dedame ir b
- Web: rpsbrewing.fi/
- Description: IPA with Pink Grapefruit. Blast of an American Hops!
- Web: www.panimo.com
- Description: Hoppe IPA on kauniisti punertava India Pale Ale. Vahva humalointi kunnioittaa tämän kuivan ja hedelmäisen oluen alkuperäistä brittityyliä.
- Web: www.tanker.ee
- Description: Independence Pale Ale brewed to celebrate 99 and 100 years of independence of Estonia and Finland.
- Web: www.thornbridgebrewery.co.uk/
- Description: Cask, keg & bottle; Regular.
A citrus dominated India Pale Ale, its immediate impression is soft and smooth yet builds to a crescendo of massive hoppiness accentuated by honey. An enduring, bitter finish.
- Web: www.thornbridgebrewery.co.uk/
- Description: Bottle: Filtered. Has been available on keg and cask.
Originally brewed for Thornbridge's now closed Dada Bar in Sheffield.
Ingredients: Water, Barley, Wheat, Hops (Mosaic, Citra), Yeast
Light gold in colour; its peachy character is created by the use of aromatic US hops.
- Web: www.thwaites.co.uk/
- Description: Cask: Unfiltered; Bottle/Can: Filtered
Malts: Pale Ale, Munich, Caramalt, Rye
Hops: Centennial, Citra, Amarillo, Apollo, Chinook, Kotatu
An Intense Hit of Hops. American IPA. A salute to the original 13 states of America.
- Web: www.wychwood.co.uk/
- Description: Bottle (5.3%) and keg (5%): Filtered.
Heftily hopped & aroma packed, Hobgoblin IPA stays true to its ancestral traditions. Brewed with Fuggles, Goldings & Styrian hops & then amped up by the addition of some mighty American hops. This collision of Old & New World hops provides an explosion of tropical aroma & a juicy bitterness. Born out of character.
The Cask version for the Wetherspoons Beer Festival Spring 2018 is brewed at Banks's Wolverhampton.
This is a collection of beers that I've personally tasted.
We've now 665 different beers.
The pictures were taken by myself but descriptions and other details were got from