Beers with Alcohol By Volume 4.7%
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- Description: Our long brewing history enable us to make a traditional Czech premium lager - appreciated for its golden colour, smooth taste and well balanced bitterness.
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Our Gluten Free Pale makes no compromises on flavour, fresh pine aroma gives way to bold tropical fruit flavours with a lingering bitter finish.
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- Description: En esta edición de Cervecería Bruma te presentamos a doña amargada de color rojizo, cuerpo ligero, sabores maltosos con tenues toques a caramelo, amargura moderada con aromas a bosque y al final una inasequible frescura y dulzor.
No te dejes engañar por su nombre, doña amargada en el fondo te regaña porque quiere sólo tu bien. Amargate con nuestra doña amargada.
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- Description: Dos Equis Amber is a rich, full-bodied Mexican import with a reddish-gold color and is made from the finest ingredients, representing the brand’s traditional Mexican heritage. The history of Dos Equis Amber is traced to the development of the popular Oktoberfest-style of Vienna lager originally created during the mid-19th century.
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- Description: Dvojrmutový varný postup, typický pro Gambrinus i v?tšinu piv plze?ského typu, naši sládci obohatili o podíl karamelového sladu a p?edevším o unikátní dávkování chmele. Spo?ívá v p?idání t?etí dávky chmele až po ukon?ení chmelovaru, na samém konci varného procesu. To p?ináší pln?jší chu? spolu s intenzivn?jší chmelovou v?ní.
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- Description: Trooper is a premium British beer inspired by Iron Maiden and handcrafted at Robinsons brewery. Being a real ale enthusiast, vocalist Bruce Dickinson has developed a beer which has true depth of character. Malt flavours and citric notes from a unique blend of Bobec, Goldings and Cascade hops dominate this deep golden ale with a subtle hint of lemon.
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- Description: Väike Wiik on kergelt joodav, värskendav ning keskmisest humalasem ameerika tüüpi pale ale. See on humalakeskne õlu, linnased jäävad maitses ja aroomis pigem tahaplaanile. Aroomis domineerivad troopilised, puuviljased ja tsitruselised noodid. Tunda on passiooni ja metsmaasikat. Õlu on keskmise kehaga, kergelt happeline ja tugeva humalamõru taustaga.
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- Description: Intense dark amber, known for its great taste and dense crown of foam, the result of a production process using a combination of Pilsener malt, caramel and Crystal along with German hops Hersbrucker.
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- Description: God Save Serie - Oatmeal Pale Ale BREW WILD with lots of oats and cascade, summit, simcoe and chinook hops. Tribute to the Sex Pistols and The Big Lebowski.
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- Description: Flasken du holder i hånden er en hyllest til et av verdens mest spennende øl-land. På midten av 1800-tallet var Amerika en menneskelig smeltedigel. Folk fra hele kloden stimlet sammen, og alle kom til det nye landet med gammel kultur i bagasjen. Kunsten å brygge øl var en viktig del av den: i 1879 var det 2520 bryggerier i USA. Disse hentet inspirasjon fra hverandre og sammen lagde de noe nytt, et øl preget av omgivelsene - rikt kraftig og smakfult, for et liv med åpne horisonter og uante
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- Description: Sometimes you want a beer, then you realize how much crap you need to do before you call it a day. This is it. Nicely dosed with Big, Round Hop Flavors and a Toasty Malt Foundation to satisfy your every need. But it still lets you stay in the game to do what needs to be done. Yup.
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- Description: Brigh yello golden colour and intense flavors, but with an alcohol content of only 4.7%. It’s a refreshing beer with a soft toasted touch in the mouth and with intense apple and cisturs aftertastes. A totally different beer
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- Description: Representing a true innovation in American brewing, MGD's patented cold-filtered process fashions the smooth drinkability of draft beer available in bottles and cans.
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- Description: The respected war hero colonel Johan August Sandels was a skilled tactician also at negotiations. Once, when a negotiation for an armistice was coming to a dead end, Sandels suggested a lunch break. The salted meat was washed down with plenty of beer, and soon the enemy sent his messenger to give the word that the negotiations appear to take a long time.
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- Description: Ingredients: Water; Barley Malt; Corn grits; Hop pellets; Hop extract.
The original Italian lager. Peroni is the number one lager brand in Italy and has been for over one and a half centuries. This premium, clear, golden-yellow lager, with 4.7 ABV, is the result of the dedication to brewing of generations of the most qualified braumeisters.
Brewed using the finest spring barley malts and hops, its taste is slightly bitter. A refreshing smooth lager, Peroni is suitable for all occasions.
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- Description: Authentic Czech. Brewed by natural process using the best all natural ingredients.
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- Description: First brewed in 1938.
It is a light alcohol drink with not too strong bitterness but rather soft taste; therefore, it’s easy to drink it up.
Brewed for the UK market by Charles Wells since 1976.
Brewed for US market at City Brewery’s Latrobe plant since 2012.
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- Description: Reilulla kädellä aromihumaloitu sessio-IPA, jossa humalina Amarillo, Cascade, Centennial, Citra ja Simcoe. Virkistävä ja kulauteltava.
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- Description: GINTARINIS beer belongs to the “Pilsner class”, it’s volume is 4.7% and the colour is of light amber. The beer is made of malt, hops, beer yeast and fresh water. This is the lightest beer that belongs to ŠVYTURYS family. Lithuanian beer lovers like it for it’s fresh, slightly bitter taste and long lasting aroma of hops. In 1999 it was awarded with a gold medal in “Product of the Year” contest by Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists.
It might seem wired today, but in 199
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- Description: Cask and bottle. We brew our beer next to cliffs battered by the Atlantic Ocean - the sea is a constant in Orkney’s way of life. This beer is a respectful Orcadian nod to the pale ales of America’s West Coast. Crystal malt gives the beer sweet body and US hops provide plenty of punchy, citrus flavours. Ingredients: water, barley malt (Maris Otter, Crystal), wheat malt, hops (Citra, Nelson Sauvin, Simcoe).
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- Description: Cask; Regular. Also available bottled at 4.4%. Appearance: golden & sparkling in the glass. Nose: hints of fruit esters and malt, with light hop notes. Also, if fresh, will have a nutty bread dough yeasty note, that disappears when well vented. Palate: soft nutty maltiness with accessible hoppiness. The middle is balanced, leading to a long malt hop finish, which the hops eventually win. Their fresh green notes coming through with hints of fruit esters. It becomes drier and “cleaner” drinkin
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- Description: Imperial Red, Imperious deep ruby ale. Do not fear the Imperial Red who comes in peace to liberate your taste buds with his robust yet succulent beer. A toasted malt flavour balanced by a bold pronounced hop delivered in a rich russet beer. Enjoy the imperial majesty and raise the red standard in celebration.
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- Description: Bottle: pasteurised.
Previously sold as Circle Master in the UK.
Traditionally craft brewed in Oxfordshire using organically grown English Barley Malt and Organic Target Hops.
Scarecrow is a wonderfully refreshing Golden Ale evoking lazy, hazy days of summer in golden meadows & ripe barleyfields. A winning combination of tart citric fruit flavours perfectly balanced by a rich biscuity maltiness and rounded off with a spicy bittersweet finish.
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- Description: Norwegian: Rundt og balansert, mørkt raudt øl med eit preg av nøtter, sjokolade og toffee. Smaken kjem fra seks ulike malttyper, og ølet er overraskande lett å drikke. Passer bra til grillmat og oster.
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- Description: Dette ølet er ein lågalkoholversjon av India Pale Ale. Kjenneteikn er ein markant humlearoma og smak, som likevel balanserar med bitterheit og maltsødme. Ølet er forholdsvis tørt og forfriskande, samstundes som det er veldig smaksrikt.
This is a collection of beers that I've personally tasted.
We've now 665 different beers.
The pictures were taken by myself but descriptions and other details were got from